Thursday, June 11, 2015

Crazy Days

OK so when you have a big family like i do you know your days Can get a little crazy and most days running on little to no sleep. Well now that its summer it even more crazy. With day/over night Camps for the boys and girl days for the princess and Church. Well I need a van to get me to and from everywhere. Well last week my van was in the shop so my mother in-law let us have her can  so we can do what we needed to do. Well we was happy for the help but my family cant fit in a little 5 person car so that made things more fun.... And then the shop tells me there isn't anything they can find wrong with my van. So i go and get it and this week my son Ieke had day camp at school so my husband is going to pick him up and the van stops working. SO all i can do is put my 3 little one in the car and go get my husband and my son and have my teen stay home. So we are trying to get everyone to fit in this little car. On my way home we get stop at a red light.... Im am like OMG!!! Plz dont let a cop come up next to us. Well it happens and im like im going to get my kids taking way because of this. Lucky for me he is on his phone and didnt look over at us at. So the van it back in the shop and then the next day they tell me it died and im going to end up paying more to fix it then I paid to get it. So now I'm so sad my big red van I have had for 5years is died. Well my husband and I are looking for a new van. We are thinking with every thing we can pay for a van right now but we cant go with out one. So the next day my husband comes home with this beautiful white van and it has that new car smell and it more beautiful inside and out and I love it. Well i am putting my kids in the car and see that well it only sits 6 people... :/ lol all well we have to make this work because there isnt anyway we can pay for a new car. I would like to thank my Husband and my in-laws for everything they did to get us this new beautiful car. I know this isnt the end of my crazy days.

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